
Saturday, March 15, 2014


This is what spring looks like in Calgary. We all hold our breath during these warm days in the months of March, April, May and even June. Is this it? Are we free to welcome spring with open arms? Or do we steel ourselves, ever pessimistic, with fear that we'll still have to endure at least one more frigid spell or record-breaking snowstorm? I prefer to dive into the weather head first. It was gorgeous this week. Everett and I went for 1, 2 sometimes even 3 walks a day! My friend Amanda and her precious twins, Ruby and Miles, joined us on Tuesday. Isn't Amanda ridiculously photogenic? She wasn't even wearing make up. And the cute!!! Coffee's in hand, we trekked through massive puddles, ice berms and mud slicks - nothing could stop us! Jackets were quickly shed and sunglasses a necessity. If it weren't for nap times and impending crankiness, we could've walked for hours. The sun is staying out later these days, filling the afternoons with a renewed energy. We can't wait to get used to this.
Stay, spring! We'll be real good to you, we promise!!


  1. Your Chicago parents feel the same way. We are sooo finished with winter.

  2. We're loving the sunshine and warmth as well, but like you still holding our breath that old man winter may still be looming.


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