
Friday, May 16, 2014

Great Cloth Diaper Change

Ty, Everett and I spent Earth Day participating in the Great Cloth Diaper Change in Canmore. It turned put to be such a fun day! The GCDC is an event aimed to raise awareness about the benefits of using cloth diapers. In Canmore, 54 babies were changed into cloth diapers - contributing to a grand total of 8,459 reusable diaper changes worldwide in a 24 hour period! 188 locations in 18 different countries helped this event achieve a Guinness World Record! The event was solely run by volunteers and their kids. Local vendors showed support by donating generous door prizes and selling goods at reduced prices. Almost everyone who attended won a raffle prize! Everett won multi-coloured 'deconstruction blocks' from aroundsquare and we received a Squishy Snak Pak in our goodie bag. We all know how I love to discover new, local products! Of course, I couldn't resist buying a new cloth diaper and hanging wet bag from Nature's Baby Basket! It's an addiction, I swear! We unexpectedly ran into our good friends at the event and shared lunch together at the Grizzly Paw Brewery. Everett was asleep before we could buckle him into his car seat. Any excuse to visit Canmore is a great one - we will definitely be attending this event again next year!
*this post is not sponsored - I'm just feeling very 'link-happy today!*


  1. what a cool event! i wish i knew about a local one, i totally would have gone. i just recently had to buy more cloth diapers since jonas is growing out of his "one size" diapers we got when i was pregnant. why does having a big stash make me so happy? ;) haha

  2. Holly - it was fun! I'm sure there were some locations in the Bay Area!
    I know what you mean - I get such joy out of just looking at my stash! What are your main diapers? Mine are Fuzzy Bunz and Bumgenius! Although I'm trying to add more AppleCheeks - they are my fave!

  3. We only use FuzziBunz, but half are the older kind (trimmer) and now half is the newer more roomier size, which is a lot easier to stuff! ive never heard about applecheeks!! Ill have to check those out.


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